Benefits of the sensory deprivation bathtub
Multiple benefits, of different kinds and nature, have been observed by researchers during their study on Sensory Deprivation, leading to the conclusion that this practice is extremely effective to solve a variety of problems that normally affect the majority of people.
Floating induces a pleasant state of calmness, peacefulness and relax, it eliminates fatigue and jet-leg, improves the quality and quantity of sleep. It reduces mental and physical stress and provides a general energizing and revitalizing effect to body and soul.
Floating induces a pleasant state of calmness, peacefulness and relax, it eliminates fatigue and jet-leg, improves the quality and quantity of sleep. It reduces mental and physical stress and provides a general energizing and revitalizing effect to body and soul.
It stimulates the production of Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves; it improves sharpness and clarity of mind; it increases concentration and problem-solving capacity; it augments visualization and awareness, intensifies sensory perception and accelerates and improves our cognitive and learning ability.
Floating reduces the production of Cortisol, ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone or Corticotropin), Lactic Acid and Adrenaline; it stimulates the production of endorphins; it accelerates rehabilitation and physical recovery; it relieves arthritic and rheumatic pain and strengthens our immune system.

It favours blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues due to the absence of gravity; it lowers blood pressure, heart pulse and oxygen consumption, all factors related to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
It improves athletic performance and helps prevent muscular pain as well as accelerate recovery in case of sport injuries.
It amplifies the effects of hypnosis and self-hypnosis; it improves motivation; it mitigates the symptoms of depression, anxiety and fear; it facilitates the capacity to stop bad habits, such as smoking and behavioural addictions, phobias and addictive states.
Pregnant women too can benefit from Floating, especially in terms of relief from the tensions and pain that often affect them. In this case, the best results are achieved by floating in a prone position, keeping the elbows on the bottom of the bathtub and the chin resting on your hands. Once this position is reached, the foetus is let free to float, while the back and pelvic girdle are relieved, as they are freed from their burden.
In addition, the Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) used to enrich water in the bathtub, have a variety of beneficial effects for our body. As they are easily absorbed through the pores of the skin and by inhalation, they help increase the levels of magnesium, which improves heart health and circulatory system, by reducing irregular heartbeat, preventing hardening of the arteries, decreasing the risk of blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
They improve the capacity of our body to produce insulin, resulting thus in great help against diabetes.
They relax muscles, relieving us from pain and helping our body to reabsorb hematomas.
They contribute to the outflow of toxins and heavy metals from cells, relieving muscular pain and favouring detoxification.
It improves athletic performance and helps prevent muscular pain as well as accelerate recovery in case of sport injuries.
It amplifies the effects of hypnosis and self-hypnosis; it improves motivation; it mitigates the symptoms of depression, anxiety and fear; it facilitates the capacity to stop bad habits, such as smoking and behavioural addictions, phobias and addictive states.
Pregnant women too can benefit from Floating, especially in terms of relief from the tensions and pain that often affect them. In this case, the best results are achieved by floating in a prone position, keeping the elbows on the bottom of the bathtub and the chin resting on your hands. Once this position is reached, the foetus is let free to float, while the back and pelvic girdle are relieved, as they are freed from their burden.
In addition, the Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) used to enrich water in the bathtub, have a variety of beneficial effects for our body. As they are easily absorbed through the pores of the skin and by inhalation, they help increase the levels of magnesium, which improves heart health and circulatory system, by reducing irregular heartbeat, preventing hardening of the arteries, decreasing the risk of blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
They improve the capacity of our body to produce insulin, resulting thus in great help against diabetes.
They relax muscles, relieving us from pain and helping our body to reabsorb hematomas.
They contribute to the outflow of toxins and heavy metals from cells, relieving muscular pain and favouring detoxification.

Here you can find a number of studies on the benefits of the Sensory Deprivation Bathtub
Live in harmony with your mind
Get ready to reconnect with your true spiritual essence. The Floating session will, first of all, be a journey within yourself. You will experience that comfort, calmness and clarity of thought that can only be reached through meditation.
Your mind, free from the usual brain recording activity related to external stimuli, will enter a state of peace and quiet, which will allow you to access resources that we normally do not use: you will enjoy greater access to your creative skills, experience visions and profound insights; you will be able to look at problems under a different light and solve them.
At the end of the journey, you will possess new resources and abilities, which can be used to deal with your every day issues and challenges. You will be able to look at things from a different perspective, from points of view that were unthinkable before, reaching solutions that you could not envisage.
At the end of the journey, you will possess new resources and abilities, which can be used to deal with your every day issues and challenges. You will be able to look at things from a different perspective, from points of view that were unthinkable before, reaching solutions that you could not envisage.

This is the real power of meditation. To offer our mind a temporary relief from the stimuli and thoughts that keep it busy, providing us with an opportunity to focus on our abilities, clearly visualize problems and multiply resources and problem-solving skills. It is an deeply enriching experience, as it increases our awareness and sensitivity.
Increase your potential
If you practice sports, whether at an amateur or professional level, Floating and sensory deprivation represent a new resource to be used when pressure is too high, when you need to improve your concentration or forget your personal problems in order to focus body and mind on the sport performance.
As you know, self-control and freedom of mind can make the difference in sport: through Floating, you can easily reach the best physical and mental conditions to prepare yourself for any competition.
It is widely proven that a good mental preparation is key to improve sport results and performances. All champions in any discipline, from football to golf, etc., incorporate mental relaxation programmes in their training. Within this context, the role of the Mental Coaches is particularly important, as they can help athletes increase their concentration as well as visualize and define their objectives through NLP techniques (Neuro-linguistic Programming).
Moreover, the complete physical relaxation achieved in the bathtub will help you restore your energy, as muscles and joints will totally relax; this will facilitate the elimination of the toxins accumulated during training and competitions as well as provide greater oxygen and blood supply to muscles.
Hence, your physical recovery will be considerably accelerated.
Floating represents a true lifeline for students who must prepare for exams and stress-prone professionals engaged in business activities.
As you know, self-control and freedom of mind can make the difference in sport: through Floating, you can easily reach the best physical and mental conditions to prepare yourself for any competition.
It is widely proven that a good mental preparation is key to improve sport results and performances. All champions in any discipline, from football to golf, etc., incorporate mental relaxation programmes in their training. Within this context, the role of the Mental Coaches is particularly important, as they can help athletes increase their concentration as well as visualize and define their objectives through NLP techniques (Neuro-linguistic Programming).
Moreover, the complete physical relaxation achieved in the bathtub will help you restore your energy, as muscles and joints will totally relax; this will facilitate the elimination of the toxins accumulated during training and competitions as well as provide greater oxygen and blood supply to muscles.
Hence, your physical recovery will be considerably accelerated.
Floating represents a true lifeline for students who must prepare for exams and stress-prone professionals engaged in business activities.